- Taken from Musicam Sacram (Instruction on Music in the Liturgy)
If the Lord has blessed you with musical abilities, you are called to give Him glory through those talents. If you can sing and/or play an instrument, please consider using these gifts to assist in the liturgy. Music in the liturgy should always add to the sense of worship and aid people in lifting their hearts up to the Lord; liturgical music should never be focused on those who are singing or playing, as though they were performers, nor should it draw attention to the community as such. Rather, it should draw the community together as one in their common act of worship of God.
Saturday 5 PM: At St. Michael, we are currently seeking volunteer singers and/or organ accompanists to assist at the 5 PM Mass. Music would be chosen for you; all you would need to do is play or lead the singing!
Sunday 8 AM: There is currently a small group who sings (with organ accompaniment) typically every week except the last Sunday of the month. We would like to eventually develop this group into a true choir. If you like to sing, please consider joining! Ability to read music is not necessary, though, of course, helpful.
Sunday 11:30 AM: A cantor leads the singing, accompanied by the organist, at this Mass. If you have experience in cantoring, or know the basics of reading music and have a pleasant singing voice, please consider becoming a cantor!
Cantate Domino (Sing to the Lord) Girls Choir: Once a month, the girls choir (ages 9-17) sings at the 11:30 Mass, typically on the 4th Sunday of the month. Practice is held two Tuesdays a the month from 4:30 - 5:30 PM and on also prior to singing at Mass, also at 10:30 AM.